In the News


  1. This volcanic eruption reached so high it depleted the ozone layer, The Washington Post 2024 [features Evan et al. 2023]

  2. Volcano That Blasted Seawater into the Stratosphere May Have Damaged Ozone Layer, Scientific American 2024 [features Evan et al. 2023]

  3. CLOUD collaboration challenges current understanding of aerosol particle formation in polar and marine regions, 2023 [features He et al. 2023]

  4. To figure out the future climate, scientists are researching how trees form clouds, NPR 2023 [features Dada et al. 2023]

  5. International research team cracks chemical code on how iodine helps form clouds, CU Boulder 2022 [features Finkenzeller et al. 2023]

  6. Iodine in Desert Dust Destroys Ozone, CIRES 2021 [features Koenig et al. 2021]

  7. Video News Release: CLOUD Role of iodine oxoacids in atmospheric aerosol nucleation, CERN 2021

  8. CLOUD at CERN reveals the role of iodine acids in atmospheric aerosol formation, CERN 2021 [features He et al. 2021]

  9. Unexpected Wildfire Emission Impacts Air Quality Worldwide, CIRES 2020 [features Theys et al. 2020]

  10. Boulder scientists probe issues in recovery of the ozone layer, Daily Camera, 2020 [features Koenig et al. 2020]

  11. Boulder scientists study declining ozone health in the lower stratosphere, The Denver Post, 2020 [features Koenig et al. 2020]

  12. Iodine May Slow Ozone Layer Recovery, CIRES 2020 [features Koenig et al. 2020]

  13. Scientists Update HITRAN to Help Model Exoplanet Atmospheres, Sci Tech Daily 2019

  14. Answering Burning Questions About Wildfire Fuel and Emissions, NEON Blog 2019

  15. Who emits more methane in Colorado: natural gas producers or cows?, The Denver Channel 2019

  16. Researchers from University of Colorado home in on sources of Front Range methane, Daily Camera 2019

  17. Untangling Methane Sources, NCAR/UCAR 2019

  18. Untangling Methane Sources, CIRES 2019

  19. Chemical tracers untangle natural gas from agricultural methane emissions, AGU blogs 2019

  20. Chemical tracers untangle natural from agricultural methane emissions, 2019

  21. "It's a threat to the air we breathe," Researchers study wildfires impact on air quality, Idaho News 6 2018

  22. UW Scientist, Aircraft Join Wildfire Smoke Research, University of Wyoming 2018

  23. Researchers fly into wildfire smoke, Idaho Press 2018

  24. CU Boulder Atmospheric Scientists Create New Equipment to Determine Air Quality Emissions, Abraham Paiss & Associates 2014

  25. Study discovers high levels of air-cleansing compound over ocean, 2013

  26. Ocean Onslaught, CIRES 2012

  27. Volkamer, R., S. Baidar, S. Coburn, B. Dix, M. Lechner, H. Oetjen, I. Ortega, R. Sinreich, R. Thalman, and E. Waxman. Climate Active Gases Other than DMS? Open Ocean Sources of Reactive Glyoxal and Iodine Species, SOLAS 2010

  28. Volkamer, R., S.C. Coburn, B.K. Dix, and R. Sinreich. The Eastern Pacific Ocean is a Source for Short Lived Atmospheric Gases: Glyoxal and Iodine Oxide. 2010, CLIVAR Exchanges, 15(2), 30-32.




  1. Volkamer, R.; A DOAS Study on the Oxidation Mechanism of Aromatic Hydrocarbons under Simulated Atmospheric Conditions. Dissertation 2001, Institut für Umweltphysik, University of Heidelberg, Germany., ISBN 3-89825-457-7

  2. Volkamer, R.; Absorption von Sauerstoff im Herzberg I System und Anwendung auf Aromatenmessungen am EUropean PHOto REactor (EUPHORE). Diploma thesis D-491, 1996, Institut für Umweltphysik, University of Heidelberg, Germany.