Storm Peak Lab

The CU MAX-DOAS instrument was deployed at Storm Peak Laboratory (3220 M. S. L.) near Steamboat Springs, Colorado, to measure bromine monoxide (BrO) in the continental free troposphere. Bromine plays an important role in the oxidation of atmospheric mercury.

This deployment was part of a collaboration with Prof. Lynne Gratz (Colorado College), Prof. Seth Lyman (Utah State University), and Prof. Gannet Hallar (University of Utah).


Mercury Oxidation Pathways in a Continental Atmosphere: High Temporal Resolution Measurements of Mercury and Oxidants at Storm Peak Laboratory (NSF award #1951515)

"This project focuses on the study of atmospheric mercury. Mercury in the atmosphere exists in the gas-phase elemental form, as gas-phase oxidized mercury compounds, and bound to particles. The primary effort of this research will be on processes and mechanisms that govern oxidation reactions in the remote continental atmosphere. Mercury is a toxin that impacts neurological health and development in humans. A more thorough understanding of the atmospheric concentrations and chemical pathways of oxidized mercury is central to fully determining its fate.

There are three objectives to this project: (1) Generate a high-quality dataset with accurate concentrations of elemental and oxidized mercury, halogen oxide radicals, aerosol size distribution, and other oxidants at a remote mountaintop site over the continental U.S.; (2) Identify the chemical mechanisms and physical processes that influence elemental and oxidized mercury in the free troposphere and the planetary boundary layer air masses; and (3) Bolster existing long-term measurements at Storm Peak Laboratory (e.g., to inform sources of new particle formation) and facilitate dialogue with researchers at other mountain observatories by sharing data analysis tools and expertise on best practices for sampling oxidized mercury, nanoparticles, and halogens from high elevation ground-based platforms."


CU 1D-MAX-DOAS telescope installed at Storm Peak Laboratory

The CU MAX-DOAS instrument telescope, deployed at Storm Peak Laboratory.